Easter Eggs⚓︎
Wombley's passphrase⚓︎
Wombley's passphrase for the Spaceport Point access speaker is three lines from the poem "The Frost" by Hannah Flagg Gould. Its name portends this season's villain, Jack Frost.
Jason was everywhere - in the JSON output from https://northpole-ssh-certs-fa.azurewebsites.net/api/create-cert?code=candy-cane-twirl to all the JSON Web Tokens in various challenges.
But foremost, in the form of a self-declared undead fish at Coggoggle Marina on Steampunk Island:
A telescope awaits on Space Island at Cape Cosmic!
Jack's Satellite⚓︎
Zooming in to azimuth 19.63 and altitude 23.29 shows Jack's satellite:
At 28.36 / 11.75 and a high zoom level, we see the famous "ISABEL" star constellation:
The Cube that Wombles⚓︎
The final answer to KQL Kraken Hunt is "Beware the Cube that Wombles"
A hint at the villain's accomplice?
Space Oddity⚓︎
When we enter the Zenit SGS, Wombley Cube is saying
Is this just a space oddity (youtube.com), or is Wombley about to call Major Tom?
Probably just Jack Frost, but even so....
In the Zenith SGS on Space Island, we meet a cute green wrench-carrying being named "Henry".
In the HHC Discord channel #diversion, MemeticHenry (Henry Reed of the "Introduction to Space System Vulnerabilities" talk?) discloses that he is the developer of the satellite challenges.
Like in the great classical paintings, has the master added himself?