BONUS! Fishing Guide⚓︎
Catch twenty different species of fish that live around Geese Islands. When you're done, report your findings to Poinsettia McMittens on the Island of Misfit Toys.
Poinsettia McMittens
Excuse me, but you're interrupting my fishing serenity. Oh, you'd like to know how to become as good at fishing as I am?
Well, first of all, thank you for noticing my flair for fishing. It's not just about looking good beside the lake, you know.
The key is in the details, much like crafting the perfect toy. Observe the water, the weather, and the fish’s habits - it's a science and an art.
Of course, it helps to have a natural charm. Fish seem to find me irresistible. Must be my sparkling personality... or maybe it's just the glitter of my allure.
Oh, the mysteries of the aquatic life around these islands are as elusive as, well, a clever compliment. But you'll get one if you probe enough.
Remember, patience is more than a virtue in fishing; it’s a strategy. Like waiting for the right time to use flattery, you wait for the right moment to strike.
Go see if you can catch, say, 20 different types of fish!
Become the Fish
From: Poinsettia McMittens
Perhaps there are some clues about the local aquatic life located in the HTML source code.
What mind-boggling aquatic creatures! Simply calling them "fish" will not do them justice. An amazing amount of creativity went into the detailed descriptions and - I presume - the GenAI prompts to create the images.
Catching 20 different species works well manually - stop the ship, cast, and reel in when the "Reel"-button turns red.
The hint draw our attention to the source code of "" contains this line
<!-- <a href='fishdensityref.html'>[DEV ONLY] Fish Density Reference</a> -->
<div class="overlay"></div> shows a kind of "heat map" for each of 171 species of fish.
However, there is no spot in the water without enough fish. Referring to the maps was not necessary - but it will become for the "Fishing Mastery" objective.
The first aquatic creature my character reeled in:
After solving the challenge, the fact will be listed as an "Achievements" in the player's badge.
Poinsettia McMittens
Hoy small fry, nice work!