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Holiday Hack Orientation⚓︎




Talk to Jingle Ringford on Christmas Island and get your bearings at Geese Islands

Jingle Ringford

OK, one last thing. Click on the Cranberry Pi Terminal and follow the on-screen instructions.


The terminal instructs us to type "answer", which we do.


"answer" is the answer.


Jingle Ringford

Perfect! Your orientation is now complete!
Head back to your boat or click on the anchor icon on the left of the screen to set sail for Frosty's Beach where Santa's waiting for you. I've updated your boat's compass to guide the way.
As you sail to each island, talk to the goose of that island to receive a colorful lei festooning the masts on your ship.
Safe travels my friend and remember, relax, enjoy the sun, and most importantly, have FUN!